Beer Reviews
Tasted by home brewers

Beer Me! provides individual beer reviews of international craft beers and selected commercialized beers. The reviews are based on several specifications and aspects of beer as in color, body, feeling .etc. The purpose of Beer Me! is not to differ between good and bad kinds of beers, it is more about giving people a rough imagination of the drinking experience itself. Tastes are different and so are beers.

Read the first Beer Reviews

Beer Ratings
Ratings by editors and guests

We taste and rate our beers on a scale from 1-10. The categories of the ratings are color, feeling, body, bitterness and the taste itself. These are very important facts about a beer and cater to a complete drinking experience. Among the countless styles and variations of beers we try to cover as much as we can. Feel free to request for a tasting of a beer you are interested in. You can also send us a sample of your homebrewed or purchased beer 🙂

See the Top Rated Beers

Beer Facts
Did you know...?

In this section Beer Me! will list down interesting and maybe surprising facts and stories about beer, homebrewing and beer history. We will also cover the latest inventions and techniques in home brewing.

Read the latest Beer Facts